Since 2017, a team of SFSU faculty and students (typically 18 or more people) have been making an annual visit to the Sichuan province of China to engage in service-learning activities with the local communities. After pausing the program for two summers during the COVID-19 pandemic, Department of Psychology is happy to bring back Faculty-Led Study Abroad! Upcoming 2024 summer program will take place in South Korea pending meeting all travel approval requirements from the University. As ambassadors we will work to train preK-12 teachers, provide educational programs in classrooms, and engage in various outreach programs to the local communities (e.g., assessment training, parent workshops, one-on-one consultations with administrators or families). The bulk of our work will consist of SFSU student teachers delivering cultural and social-emotional learning activities in classrooms alongside Korean college students, teachers and translators. It has been our pleasure to serve as partners abroad in the effort to support children's development and we hope you too will become a part of our international community!
The summer program will run for a total of four weeks providing educational and cultural learning activities to the local communities. As a part of this program, students will earn up to nine units in coursework that can be applied to their major elective requirement. The program consists of two parts:
- Passing PSY 300 Current Issues in Psychology which will be offered on main campus at San Francisco State University (in-seat during Spring, 2024)
- Completing a 4-week PSY 558/9 Field Service Seminar and PSY 455 Cross-Cultural Psychology which will take place in South Korea (Summer, 2024)
Selection Criteria
This program will require full-time commitment with children, adolescents, parents and teachers. To qualify, students must be:
- Current students at SF State in Psychology or related major
- Junior standing or higher at the time of departure
- Good academic standing during time at SF State
- Have adequate funds to cover tuition and travel expenses
- Preference will be given to individuals with experience working with children and/or adolescents - including educational settings, counseling, mentoring, etc.

Application Process
- A copy of the student's unofficial transcripts should be included with their application due no later than 5pm, Monday November 6th
- Selection committee will screen applications and select finalists
- Finalists will be notified via email about the group interview
- Finalist interviews will be held 6-8pm on Wednesday, November 15th
- A rank ordered waitlist will be kept in case any vacancies open after all selections are made - waitlist students chosen will be notified via email
- Incomplete applications will not be reviewed
- Application deadline and submission portal coming soon
Hosts Cover
- Lodging - dorm room at host university with SFSU roommate*
- A meal each day - host university cafeteria*
- Ground transportation to program related activity sites while in South Korea
- Local cultural visits (e.g., folk village and museum, city tour, temples, and palaces)
- Cultural lessons - Korean lessons, traditional dances and music, Korean cuisine
*We are currently working with our collaborators to secure lodging and meals for students.

Students Cover
- Summer tuition: $2,370 through CEL - summer financial aids may be available through SFSU
- Round trip airfare to South Korea
- Passport fees
- Other meals - eating off campus, special foods required for dietary preferences and any other restrictions students may have
- Individual trips and fees - those not planned by the FLSA program
- Personal spending money - varies, recommended $300-500
Students will be notified of acceptance via email. The notification email will outline the terms and conditions of the Psychology Faculty-Led Study Abroad. Each student will be asked to sign and return the letter. Any student who does not comply with the terms and conditions may be dropped from the program at any time prior to or during the experience. Students not selected for the program will also be notified via email and will be put on a waitlist in case of vacancies.
Learn more about our 2022 & 2023 cohorts' Study Abroad Experience to South Korea!
For further inquiries, please visit our "Outreach Programs" page and/or contact Dr. Paik at: